Программа курса
Длительность одного урока 90 минут
(кроме индивидуальных занятий)
Finding the right circle of people. Present Simple and Present Continuous
How to be a responsible traveller. Speaking
How do chores teach life skills. Word formation
Success and failure. Modal verbs
Countries and their features
What's next after school. Present Perfect and Past Simple
How the power of language can grow your career. Word formation
Месячный контроль 4. Reported speech. People who changed our world
Teenage shopping habits. Quantifiers
The consumers' world.
What is freelancing and how does it work. Tenses revision
Месячный контроль 1. My eco-friendly family. Pronouns. How to make new friends as a teenager.
Celebrations and traditions
How to get there. Past Simple and Past Continuous
What's the matter. Modal verbs
Are you easily influenced. Adverbs: comparative and superlative forms
Natural disaster survival. Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
What is your ecological footprint. Speaking
Sustainable living tips. Writing
Technological advances: the good, the bad, the ugly
How will space tourism change our world. The passive
Pronunciation Social media: how to be savvy and safe
Обзор: Функции и их свойства. Графики функций. Задание 22(2ч)
Геометрическая задача на вычисление.
Геометрическая задача на вычисление. Задание 23